Now that the new year is starting, it is the best time to refresh your mind and do things differently.
When you do something that you never did before or completely change the way you do some routine thing, your brain has to think differently, which makes it expand.
The results are that you learn something new, and your brain improves its capacity to learn.
Do not lose this opportunity. Change something in your life today!
If you have tried to learn a foreign language by studying grammar this year, do it by listening to podcasts. If you have tried to learn by yourself this year, get a tutor. If you have been attempting to study in a traditional
course, do it by yourself this year. It does not matter what, but make it differently!
In the beginning, you will feel strange because you are out of your comfort zone, but during the journey, you will enjoy that, and in the end, you will get a new, different, and better result.
Take advantage of the time you are right now, the beginning of a new you!